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What We Do

Support Groups & Clinics

Adult Groups

Domestic Violence Survivor Support Group

This weekly support group is for anyone ages 18 and older who has endured domestic violence and/or intimate partner violence in their lifetime.

 This is an open group in which members are welcome to join at any point.

Child care available

Children, Adolescents & Teen Groups

Teen DBT Group
(High School Age Teens)

A dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) booster group focusing on friendships, conflict-resolution, bullying, self-esteem, coping and communication skills.

Offered Fall, Winter & Spring
Call 845-628-9284 for an appointment and to learn more

Tween DBT Group
(Ages 10 - 12)

​A dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) booster group focusing on friendships, conflict-resolution, bullying, self-esteem, coping and communication skills.

Offered Fall, Winter & Spring
Intake required to join this group
Call 845-628-9284 for an appointment and to learn more

Children's Group
(Ages 4 - 6)

A dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) booster group focusing on friendships, conflict-resolution, bullying, self-esteem, coping and communication skills.

Offered Fall, Winter & Spring
Call 845-628-9284 for an appointment and to learn more


Children's Booster
(Ages 4 - 6)

This group helps children deal with issues including: self esteem, family relationships and coping skills.

Offered Fall, Winter & Spring
Call 845-628-9284 for an appointment and to learn more

Split Screen

For children of families coping with separation and divorce, this group learns to share openly in a safe environment about family changes, recognize and express their feelings, give and receive support from peers, and cope with change in a healthy way.

Offered Fall, Winter & Spring
Call 845-628-9284 for an appointment and to learn more