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What We Do

Outreach, Education and Training

Upcoming Webinars:

Wednesday, February 5th at 6pm
"Healthy Connections: A Community Response to Violence"
Join us for a webinar on violence prevention, intervention, and postvention. This is an evening for our community to come together to learn about the warning signs of violence, the resources available, and how to help those around you.

Anonymous question form here:


Community Outreach (Events & Presentations)

  • Providing the community with information and resources about domestic violence and sexual assault at an event or presentation.
  • Providing uniquely tailored presentations to a variety of organizations. These presentations are developed to satisfy the needs of the organization while covering a wide range of topics that are appropriate for the target audience.

Trainings and Workshops

WRC staff provides presentations, trainings, workshops, to a variety or organizations and individuals such as employees/staff/professionals, parents, law enforcement, hospitals, groups, and community members on topics such as...

  • Domestic violence

  • Sexual assualt
  • Child abuse
  • Acquaintance Rape
  • Drug-facilitated sexual assault
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Stereotyping
  • Dating Violence Prevention
  • Stalking
  • Harrassment/Sexual Harassment
  • Internet/Social Network/Texting safety · Diversity Skills
  • Staff Development/Training on related topics

S.A.N.E (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner)

A program that has nurses, and other specially trained  personnel to provide compassionate, individualized
care to victims of rape and/or sexual assault while gathering the forensic evidence vital to law enforcement and prosecution.

A program that provides specific health services, education and  counseling to the victim and to significant others.

A program that provides specially trained Rape Crisis Advocates who are available to provide assistance and ongoing support to victims of rape and/or sexual assault. The Advocate can offer information, referrals and options.


Volunteer Training

Volunteer Training With the support of our volunteers, we are able to provide the necessary services to our clients that support their needs.

Our program requires that interested adult volunteers be over the age of 18 to be trained to work with our staff and clients.

Volunteers will receive training on cultural diversity, gender and power, sexual and domestic violence dynamics, advocacy skills, and much more!

Registration is required, to register call 845-628-9284.

Volunteer applications are accepted year-round.

For more information on volunteering for WRC call 845-628-9284


School Education

WRC staff provides trainings, workshops, and education to students, faculty, parents, law enforcement or community members on topics such as bullying & teasing, internet/social networking and texting safety, healthy relationships and dating violence, stereotyping, empowerment and self esteem, conflict resolution, friendship, life skills, stalking, human trafficking 

Education is offered and provided in the schools at their request...


  • Dating Violence Prevention
  • Acquaintance Rape
  • Drug-facilitated sexual assault
  • Sexual Harassment/Stalking
  • Gender Stereotyping

High School

  • Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships
  • Dating Violence
  • Gender Stereotyping
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Social Network/Texting Harassment
  • Stalking
  • Diversity Skills
  • Staff Development/Training

Middle School

  • Bullying, Cyber Bullying, & Harassment
  • Empowerment & Self-Esteem
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Stereotyping
  • Life Skills
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Staff Development/Training

Elementary  School

  • Bullying & Teasing
  • Friendships & Sharing
  • Internet Safety
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Life Skills