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What We Do



Provides hands-on expertise to support a victim centered plan for safety. Assists with orders of protection and entering shelter, and  accompanies victims to court, police, sheriff, hospital, navigating the system to support individuals and families through each step of the process.

Find out more. 

Personal Advocacy

We're here. The WRC provides support for every challenge from legal, educational, employment, and medical needs to help with Child Protective and Social Services.

Learn more.

Sexual Assault, Hospital, S.A.N.E. Advocacy

Sexual assault victims are not alone. Call the WRC's 24-hour hotline (845) 628-2166 to find a specially trained advocate to be there during a rape exams and provide assistance throughout the criminal process.

Find out more.

Legal Services

Meet with an attorney to discuss and review New York State laws on divorce, custody, orders of protection, and support and advocacy issues.

This workshop is for individuals who are starting or maybe starting the initial process of a divorce, support, custody or order of protection and have not yet retained an attorney.

Registration is required, to register call 845-628-9284.

Learn more.